Gorski kotar – planinska regija Hrvatske
Gorski kotar (lat. Discrictus montanus) je smješten u zapadnom dijelu Republike Hrvatske, a presijeca ga 45 paralela. Riječ je o isključivo brdsko-planinskom prostoru, prosječne nadmorske visine od 700 do 900 metara. Samo su vrhovi Risnjaka i Bjelolasice viši od 1.500 metara. Klimatska specifičnost ogleda se u karakteristici da dio područja pripada posebnom prijelaznom klimatskom tipu primorske i kontinentalne klime. Svi oblici planinskoga turizma i aktivnog odmora daju Gorskom kotaru magičnu privlačnost, ponajprije zbog očuvane prirode i srdačnog stanovništva.
Gorski kotar – Croatian mountain region
Gorski Kotar (Latin Discrictus montanus) is located in the western part of the Croatia and is crossed by 45th parallel. It is the highland area with an average altitude of 700-900 meters. Only the peaks Risnjak and Bjelolasica are higher than 1,500 meters. Climate specificity is reflected in the characteristics that a part of the area is a special type of transitional climate of coastal and continental climate. All forms of mountain tourism and active vacations give Gorski kotar magical attraction, primarily because of preserved nature and welcoming people.
Upoznajte Gorski kotar – pet atraktivnih lokacija koje morate doživjeti!
Meet Gorski Kotar - five attractive locations that you have to experience!
Izlet u spilju „Lokvarku“
Cave "Lokvarka" |
The trip to the cave "Lokvarka"
Forest Park Golubinjak and its surroundings are rich in caves attractions of which the most interesting is the cave "Lokvarka" which is one of the most beautiful Croatian karst caves. The cave is about 1 km (10 minutes) away from Golubinjak. The total length of the cave is 1.2 kilometers, and constant air temperature is 8 °C. The cave has several galleries, or levels, three of which are available to tourists. The cave was protected in 1961 as a geomorphologic natural monument. Geographical coordinates are 45 ° 21 42 'N, 14o 45 47 "E.
Panoramska vožnja po Lokvarskom jezeru
Najveće goransko jezero možete upoznati vozeći se splavom „Čača“. Doživite spoj vode i prirode na Lokvarskom jezeru, uživajte u jedinstvenom pogledu na vrh planine Risnjak (1528 metara). Iskoristite priliku i doživite jednosatnu panoramsku vožnju!
Panoramic tour by Lokvarsko jezero
Raft "Čača" in Lokvarsko jezero |
Čarolija „Zelenog vira“ i „Vražjeg prolaza“
Područje Zelenog vira proglašeno je rezervatom prirodnih vrijednosti 1962. godine. Prvi se puta spominje 1884. godine kao izletište za hrabrije izletnike. Zeleni vir je snažan izvor na dnu plitke, prostrane spilje nad čijim se ulazom nadvijaju 70 metarske okomite stijene niz koje se obrušava živopisan slap stvarajući blistavu vodenu zavjesu. Zeleni vir dobio je ime po zelenkastoj boji vode u jezercu koje nastaje u spilji. Druga atraktivnost je 800 metara dugačak kanjon Vražji prolaz. Mnogi ga smatraju jednim od najljepših kanjonskih prizora u našoj zemlji.
The magic of „Zeleni vir“ and „Vražji prolaz“
Zeleni vir was declared a nature reserve in 1962. It is first mentioned in 1884 as a resort for the braver hikers. Zeleni vir is a powerful spring at the bottom of a shallow but large cave. Over the caves entrance hangs a 70 meter cliff from which lively waterfall gushes creating sparkling water curtain. Zeleni vir is named after the green water in the pond in the cave. Another attraction is the 800-meter-long Vražji prolaz canyon. Many consider it one of the most beautiful canyon scenery in the country.
Monumentalnost Risnjaka i izvora rijeke Kupe
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National park Risnjak |
Monumentality of Risnjak and source of the river Kupa

Kraljevina „Bijelih“ i „Samarskih“ stijena
River Kupa |
The kingdom of „Bijele“ and „Samarske stijene“
Area of Bijele and Samarske stijene is one of the most beautiful hiking destinations in Croatia. It is a part of the strict nature reserve, which means that no human interventions are allowed within its borders. The area is wild, fascinating and demanding for a visit, and only half an hour from the place where you can leave your car! Do not forget that the Samarske and Bijele stijene were discovered by accident when a local forester traced the bear. And be careful - rock climbing is a lot of fun, but also dangerous!
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