petak, 24. srpnja 2020.

Croatia Open 2020 - COVID 19_info

Life and sports have no alternative, they have to move on! Let's be responsible.

Croatia Open 2020
Protection measures against COVID 19
SARS-VoV-2 virus

  • all participants, competitors and companions must be registered upon arrival at the competition,
  • wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use an alcohol-based disinfectant,
  • avoid handshakes and maintain a distance of 1 meter when talking, in the event of fever or symptoms of any contagious desease, you should contact the emergency medical service
  • come to the start area a few minutes before your start minute,
  • please do not stay in the finish area longer than necessary, we recommend that you leave the finish area after the race, and take the opportunity to visit some of the natural beauties of Gorski kotar and the Primorje,
  • there will be no drink or food for sale in the finsih area, we reccomend that you use nearby restaurants,
  • the competition will be monitored by members of the Civil Protection, please comply with all prescribed protection measures.

Please download this statement, fill it out and submit it to the organizer upon arrival at the competition. DOWNLOAD HERE


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